To get a massage at home, all you need is an empty space, roughly 6′ x 9′ (the table + headrest is roughly 2.5′ x 7′ plus I need to be able to easily move around it). Which is simple enough to find in most living rooms, though the coffee table may need to be moved out of the way.
I’ve also worked in great rooms, family rooms, sitting rooms, basements, bedrooms, dining rooms, parlors and decks (balconies are generally a bit too narrow). So far, I’m only missing the kitchen and bathrooms off the typical house/townhouse/condo/apartment floor plan. 😉
As a pet lover, I do not mind well-behaved animals but easily stressed animals may be better off in another room. It can be pretty exciting for animals to not only meet a new person but to add a new piece of furniture to the room. Top that with seeing their owners lay on this new table and be touched by a stranger, it can cause some unusual reactions. Notably, a friend’s Lab, who typically adored me, once leaped onto the table to “protect” his owner from me. He was fine with me again once the table was away.
Cats typically need fussed away from the cables under the table but then find it comfortable to lay on the table and/or their owner.
I am an aunt to eight so I totally understand if we need to leave a baby monitor on or have a cell phone nearby in case the school/caregiver calls.
Please give me a heads-up if there’s anything unusual about your neighborhood, parking (DCians/townhomes with limited visitor spots, I’m looking at you), or if you need me to come into your home by any door that isn’t the front door.
If you have any questions about getting a massage at home, please ask by email –