Currently you can pay for services by cash, check, credit card, paypal, venmo, cash app, zelle, and now Schedulicity Pay.
I am not requiring prepayments/deposits on appointments or even a card on file for potential no-shows. (My generous cancelation policy is also not changing.) As always, my goal in adding a new payment option is to make paying me as easy as possible. If it’s not easy for you, pick another way instead.
It does save me a percentage point in fees to run a credit card this way at the end of your service than it does for me to use Square like I normally do. I can also send you the invoice via text message and you can pay via that text message from your own phone, which I thought was kind of fun.
It is totally okay to pay with Square as usual instead. With the rule change last year (or was it back in 2020?), everything I pay in credit card fees is now a tax deduction so it truly doesn’t matter either way.